5 Strategies a Home Remodeler Can Use to Improve their Marketing

5 Strategies A Home Remodeling Company Can Do To Improve Their Marketing

The internet offers a variety of advice on what you can do to improve your inbound marketing strategy. How do you determine what works, and what is just an idea that sounds like it should work? Our methods have been tested and proven, and we use them very successfully with our clients.

Make Your Website Sales-Ready

Your website is the foundation to all of your marketing efforts. In most of your marketing efforts, you direct them to your web page for more information. If your website is not set up to convert leads, a lot of your marketing efforts may go to waste. So here are some things you can do to make your website sales ready:

  • Make your homepage visually appealing
  • Add content that is unique and memorable – include a Latent Demand
  • Give away a valuable content offer
  • Have at least three call to action buttons

Your goal should be to get the website visitor to either contact you or at least give you their contact information, along with some way to segment them into an email list.

Create a Free Content Offer That Has Value to Your Ideal Clients

If you are researching or just now learning about internet marketing, you hear often, “you need to create valuable content.” If you would like to create valuable content in an actionable way, check out our blog: 5 Ideas to Make Sure You Are Putting Out Valuable Content

When you are creating a content offer, you want to introduce the content offer with a landing page. On the landing page, you can create a lead capture form to collect information about the website visitor. There is a direct relationship between how valuable the content offer is, and the amount of information the website visitor is willing to give you.

We find that a lot of home remodeling companies are giving away free design guides. This is a good idea, except that it is now considered a very common content offer. So, we recommend offering something more unique.

Browse Our Free Offers

Write Content to Answer Your Ideal Client’s Questions

valuable content, inbound marketingChances are you have been on hundreds of project estimates over the years. Being an experienced contractor, you already know 60%-70% of the issues that your clients are going to ask before you even meet. This is great information to write about because if your customers are asking these questions when you meet, there is also a large percentage of homeowners asking the same questions on Google. You have the opportunity to capture their attention earlier in the sales funnel while becoming an expert on the subjects. You will also build credibility by showcasing your knowledge and experience, while answering their biggest questions and concerns.

Finally, ensure that you attempt to capture some information with a good content offer and call to actions.

Distribute Content Where Your Ideal Clients Are Hanging Out Online

You may already know where your ideal clients spend most of their time when they are on the internet. If you don’t, doing the research is simple. Over the years, you have had a lot of clients that will usually want to help you.

Capture Email Addresses and Properly Segment Them

Do you know that 80% of first-time visitors do not engage or come back to a website? Don’t let your efforts go to waste by capturing their email address. Take the time to identify and segment them properly. A common mistake that we see in email marketing campaigns is the absence of proper segmentation. By properly segmenting your email lists, you can give your subscribers a better experience with your company. You can make sure that the emails you send are relevant to why they engaged with your business in the first place. You can also ensure that you write the email in a way that is easy to read. Also, you can personalize the email to make them feel like it was written specifically for them.

All of these steps have multiple positive impacts:

–    Lower rates of people unsubscribing

–    Increased rates of the email being opened and read

–    Increased rates of the email being forwarded or shared

–    Increased engagement on your content

Throughout the years, we have found these 5 strategies result in quick wins for our clients. By giving your marketing the time and effort it deserves, it will help you scale and grow your business measurably and sustainably.