How to Create a Powerful Call-To-Action

How to Create Powerful Call-To-Actions

Strong Call-To-Actions are probably one of the most robust, underutilized tactics in marketing. Sure, you will see a “Call Today” or “Click Here,” but those are not the best examples of a strong call-to-action. To help you build some strong call-to-action phrases and buttons, we are going to break it down to 6 Actionable Steps to create strong call-to-action.

Identify Your Buyer Persona

The first step to creating a compelling CTA. Usually, this is the step that is often overlooked, and it shouldn’t be. Your buyer persona not only drives the content you are creating, but it should also drive the context in which it is written. By keeping this in mind, you can create CTA’s that will make your Ideal Buyer Persona feel like you are speaking to them directly.


Click here for information on how to identify and create your Ideal Buyer Persona.


Identify the Value to The Buyer Persona

Now that you know who you are trying to attract, you can create a content offer in which they will find value. Also, do some research look at your competitors, and make sure that your content offer is not the same thing everyone else is offering. For example, as a home remodeling contractor, you may provide a design guide or a budget calculator. Identify the most significant issue that your ideal buyer persona has. One thing to note about content offers is to be aware of where your ideal buyer persona may be in the buyers’ journey. It is essential that you meet your ideal buyer persona at their immediate needs. It will increase your chances of success.

Set Their Expectations Before The CTA

Let your website visitors know what they will get if they click on the CTA. By doing this, you will get more willing participants because they know what to expect if they click on the button. Most website visitors will disregard a CTA if they don’t know what they are going to get.


Use Actionable Words That Stimulate an Emotion

Now that you have all of the other pieces in place let’s create your CTA. Think of the words that your ideal buyer persona uses in their everyday language. Also, consider what would stimulate an emotional reaction. For example, if you were going to help them figure out a budget for their home remodel, you could say “Calculate Your Budget Now!” This isn’t bad, but it doesn’t stimulate an emotion. By explaining what they will get before the CTA, you can stimulate an emotion. For example, “To make sure you don’t go over budget, use our Project Estimator Tool to Calculate Your Budget.” Then the CTA would be: “Let’s Get Started!”


Create a Button That Stands Out

Find a location on your website that makes sense for the button. For instance, you wouldn’t offer a kitchen remodeling guide on a bathroom gallery. Although, it would make sense if you had it on a kitchen gallery page. Also, make sure that you use a color that stands out. This can be tricky because you also want to be careful that it doesn’t clash with the colors on your website. Try different colors that you have on your website to see what stands out, but doesn’t disagree.


Test Different Locations and Colors for the Buttons

Creating great CTA’s is not a one-time thing. In reality, you won’t know what will work, until you try it. This is why CTA optimization is critical. You have to play around with the location, color, and words you are using. Let the data do the driving on what you do with your CTA’s.