Online marketing is becoming essential for every business, and remodeling businesses are no exception. You know your ideal customers are online, but how do you get them to see your content, click on your website, and eventually contact and work with you? Rather than being a hit and miss process, online marketing is the essential strategy that helps customers find your remodeling website and choose you as their home remodeler. Here are 8 things you need to know about online marketing as a home remodeling company.
Your Clients Are Looking Online
81% of people perform online searches when looking for the best company to do business with. Clients are searching for home remodeling businesses online right now, which means that if you don’t have a high-performance online marketing strategy, you’re missing out. One of the great things about online marketing is that you reach your ideal clients when they’re already looking for you. With targeted techniques, online marketing brings more leads to your home remodeling business fast.
Your Website Is One of Your Biggest Marketing Tools
Because so many homeowners are looking for a home remodeling contractor online, your website could be the factor that makes or breaks your sale. A clunky, old, and unappealing webpage will lose you potential customers immediately. On the other hand, an expertly designed and optimized website nurtures your website visitors interest in your business and leads them through an engaging journey that results in a new lead or sale for your home remodel business.
Your Content Can Turn the Curious into Customers
Home remodel blogs are extremely popular with those looking for ideas and inspiration for remodels, and these are precisely the clients you want to reach. Publishing an engaging and informative blog or providing an eBook or your website doesn’t just show clients your expertise, it creates leads too.
An Inbound Marketing Strategy Can Boost Leads
Research has shown that 93% of businesses that implement Inbound marketing increase leads. This increase can be hundreds or even thousands fold. More leads means more interest in your home remodeling business and greater success for you.
Online Marketing Not Only Gives You More Leads, But More of The Leads You Want
It’s no use having hundreds of people interested in your blogs and emails if they are not going to remodel their homes. The beauty of online marketing is that it targets customers who are most interested in what you have to offer. Online marketing techniques such as email automation can also help nurture leads who may have only just become interested in remodeling so that when they’re ready to choose their remodel contractor, they pick you.
Word of Mouth Has Gone Online
Traditionally, home remodel companies have relied on word of mouth for marketing and promotion. But did you know word of mouth has now gone online? A recent survey showed that 82% of all online users rely on customer reviews just as much as they do personal recommendations.
That means that if your remodeling business relies on word of mouth, you need to integrate an online marketing strategy as well to capture an even greater potential audience.
Online Marketing Means More Results for Less Cost
Online marketing is less labor intensive and requires less effort than other forms of marketing. It can also be extremely cost-effective and provides one of the best returns on investment.
You Don’t Have to Do It Alone
Building your online marketing campaign can seem overwhelming when you’re trying to run your own remodeling company. The good news is you don’t have to do it alone. Working with an online marketing company like Leads Ngin will get you the real results you need using expert strategies and the most up to date techniques.
Contact Leads Ngin today to learn more about how we can develop and put into action the best online marketing approach for your home remodeling business.