How Persona Based Marketing Can Greatly Impact Your Marketing Results

How Persona Based Marketing Can Greatly Impact Your Marketing Results
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Are you struggling to not only attract leads to your business but to attract the right kind of leads? The approach you take to online marketing could be to blame. If you target everyone, you are really targeting no one.

The truth is, creating buyer personas is the ideal way to focus and transform your marketing efforts, so you can start getting outstanding results.

Marketing and Your Buyer Persona

Your ideal buyer persona is a representation of the ideal customer you would like to attract to your business. That’s why this persona will direct and shape your internet marketing strategy and approach.

This persona is based on market research and actual customers – characterizing the demographics, preferences, lifestyle, attributes, and even the pain points of your ideal customer.  When we develop buyer personas, we look at both the personal and professional life of the target audience, to better understand and meet their needs.

The more specific the buyer persona, the better you can target and engineer your marketing approach as well as your sales efforts to reach them.

How a Persona Transforms Your Marketing

Developing your buyer persona can completely transform your marketing approach, making it more targeted and focused on what your ideal customer needs.

Tailor the Unique Buyer’s Journey

Every customer is at some stage in the buyer’s journey, whether they’re just starting to look for answers to their problem (Awareness stage), weighing solutions (Consideration stage) or ready to commit to a choice (Decision stage). Developing your buyer persona allows you to tailor your website, produce unique content, and create a marketing experience to nurture your ideal leads along each phase of the buyer’s journey.

Create Persona Targeted Content

Persona based marketingYour customers want to look at website content, blogs, articles, and guides that answer their specific question – not just look at general information.

Created marketing personas can help you understand how your ideal customer researches and accesses content. Then you can provide them with the right information so they can understand your product, not to mention allow them to choose what works for them.

Speak to Customers Needs

Every unique buyer persona has individual needs, preferences, and problems they are trying to solve. By deeply understanding your buyer persona’s needs and addressing them, your marketing and your services provide the “light bulb moment” for customers that tells them your company is the right choice.

Answer Your Customers’ Questions

Understanding your buyer persona means you know your customer’s questions and challenges and their pain points – even before they tell you. With content that answers their questions and a marketing approach that meets their needs, you establish your company as an expert in the industry. This helps to build trust in your customers.

This kind of marketing is the key to unlocking higher potential in your strategy, by targeting and focusing your approach on incredible results. If you want to find out who your ideal buy personas are and how to reach them, talk to Leads Ngin.